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December 12, 2006



You so have to tell the Wild Turkey and Crystal Pepsi story.


I am officially too old for drinking stories, and you know it. Is there anything more sad than "dude, I was so wasted this one time..." at 35?


i can think of sadder things. now tell the story. anything that involves crystal pepsi is funny.


You know that by protesting, you only make us want to hear it more. So, please start your next blog entry with, "Dude, I was so wasted this one time..."


I am officially too old for drinking stories, and you know it. Is there anything more sad than "dude, I was so wasted this one time..." at 35?

I still tell those stories and I'm older than you. Is this some sort of veiled insult at me, madam?


Yes, duh.


I am content with the story fragment you have offered us, but I want more stupid accounting student mistakes. It's nice to know I am not alone, shaking my head over the idiocy of today's college students.

Adorable Girlfriend

They are learning. It's good to see them grow. Who wants the students who already know everything?

Adorable Girlfriend

Oh God. I once drank Crystal Pepsi with booze.

It was more like, "I was 20 and thought I was going to die or that there is a Jewish hell."


I was 22, AG, so the effect was the same.

I don't mind that they don't know stuff. What I mind is that they don't want to learn stuff.

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