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February 10, 2007



I got my tax refund now, so maybe I will.


You wouldn't be sorry.

He's reading at PL on Wednesday night if you want to get a sense of it.


I saw that. We'll see if I can make it with all the chauffering duties. Hey, I hear your book is coming out in paperback soon. Are you excited?


I requested it from the library. I will most definitely buy it when I am not quite so broke (having spent all my accumulated book cash two weeks ago)

It looks wonderful.

And when are you coming out with a new book? Huh? Huh? When? (Slap me if I get annoying...)


Actually, babelbabe, I am still deciding what I want my next book to be. It's harder than writing the first one, when your goal is just to see it in print. The second one cements the kind of writer you're going to be.

Really, I just need to get over myself and write the darn thing.


I started it tonight, and I do love it, and I am going to go buy it.

Classmates where?

and yes, please, write soemthing soon, Rebecca! As the wisdom of advertising advises us, Just do it!

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