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April 26, 2007



I will miss you guys, but I bet it will be great to have a job you actually like. I'm not much of a Winter person, so I wish you luck up there.

It looks really beautiful.


Just curious if you have read any of Jim Harrison's novels. His latest, "Returning to Earth"(as are most, I believe) is set in the UP. It sounds like a fascinating and beautiful part of the country. Best of luck to you!


I've been to the UP a couple time to visit some family friends... and I must say that it is breathtakingly beautiful. I hope you have a smooth transition to your new home.


Thanks, ladies. I am not a fan of winter myself, but se la vie. At least we have a 4WD car.

To answer your question, Annie, yes, I'm a big Jim Harrison fan. I may haunt his town until I can get him to talk to me. Except I would almost certainly make an ass of myself.


Awww -- you're leaving before I had occasion to visit the IC. Well, maybe I'll pass through the UP someday.

Good luck on the move.

becky b.

Congratulations! Now we'll be living in the same state again... though I think it will take me less time driving to see you in Iowa this summer than it will when I visit you in the U.P.!


Congrats on the job, TLB! That's really great news. I think you'll find, as we are finding, that IC will always stay in your heart and will always feel like home, no matter where you go.

Try to find a teaching conference in Amsterdam, please.

Brian Hadd

Intransigent hobbyist at least, fishing should go. Eat trout alone.

Motel Manager

I am so sad you guys will be leaving, but I am excited for the opportunity for you to teach there (and to teach not just undergrads, but MFAs as well)!


Thanks everyone. We're very sad to be going--the last six years have been amazing, but yes, I'm excited to teach again too.


Congratulations! Don't worry; I'm sure global warming will take the edge off the climate soon enough.


Congratulations! That's huge... and well deserved.

Adorable Girlfriend

Congrats! That's so exciting. AG is headed to Ann Arbor next weekend and loves MI. I hope you will too.

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